Keeping Safe with Bolle Safety Glasses


Safety in the workplace is a must. Work-related injuries are prevalent in day to day operations. Hence, protection is always necessary. When working in a construction or industrial environment, wearing hard hats is not the only precaution that one should take. Not protecting the eyes is one of the most common mistakes that workers usually take for granted. Even a little damage to this organ can cause serious consequences.

Fortunately, such misfortune can easily be avoided by wearing Bolle safety glasses.

Innovations of Bolle eyewear

Eye injuries that are often caused by projectiles, protruding objects, radiation, chemical exposure, and even small particles in the wind can easily lead to impairment in visual acuity or even loss of eyesight. Wearing safety glass is an easy way to protect the eyes from these nuisances and other workplace hazards.

A century ago, protective eyewear was only made with semi-opaque layers of clothing. Due to the industrial revolution, various standards have been issued to ensure that eye gears can optimally do what they are intended to do. Seraphin Bollé took this challenge and embarked on a project that would revolutionize protective eyewear. Thus, the Bolle brand was born in Oyonnax, France, in the 1950s. It was one of the first companies that incorporated celluloid and molded Nylon in their product. Its innovation paved the way for setting the bar for new and higher standards of precautionary measures in the industry.

Finding the right eyewear

Generally speaking, protective eye wears are classified in six ways. The most basic one can protect the eye against problems that may be caused by handling wires and hammering. The second level of eye protection usually marked as “I,” can handle debris from grinding machines.

Meanwhile, high impact safety glasses, labeled as “V,” can secure the eyes from metal and concrete cuttings. Some types can protect the eyes from extra high impact materials like ballistic projectiles. Additionally, there are special glasses designed for shielding the eyes from UV solar radiation and melting metals.

It is of utmost importance that workers use the appropriate eyewear for the industry that they work for. Otherwise, they might not get the optimal protection that this gadget offers.

Other considerations in buying protective eyewear

Aside from finding the appropriate kind of safety glasses, it is also essential that what workers will be wearing are comfortable and can be fitted correctly in their faces. Those who require prescription glasses should acquire special lenses so that nothing will prevent them from functioning to the best of their abilities. Some designs of Bolle safety glasses can be customized for those who need lenses with higher grades.

Furthermore, wearers should ensure that nothing will restrict their vision and movement. Cords and other knobs in the glasses should be properly tucked in. The eyewear should also not get in the way of other personal protective equipment.

To conclude, wearing safety eyewear is a must in the construction and industrial setting. Wearing the appropriate kind and fit can save the wearer from serious complications. Investing in a Bolle brand of eyewear is a good move for those who are looking for maximum protection.

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