How Uterine Fibroid Embolization Works to Deal With Fibroids


Most women struggle with women-only health issues and suffer in silence. Whether it is recovery after giving birth, urinary incontinence, or autoimmune issues, they suffer many diseases requiring them to visit a specialist regularly. One of the most common issues affecting women is fibroids. These are noncancerous tumors that affect the uterine walls. Sometimes they enlarge and cause abdominal pain and heavy menstrual periods. If you experience these signs, it might be fibroids, and it would help if you seek the help of specialists of uterine fibroid embolization in Houston, TX, at Alate Health. They can help solve the problems brought about by this condition by using the latest minimally invasive technique to treat and improve the quality of your life.

How Does Uterine Fibroid Embolization Work?

In this procedure, a catheter inserted by your doctor goes through the wrist or groin into the uterine artery. Polyvinyl alcohol is then allowed to go through the catheter to the arteries that supply the fibroid. The injected substance will form a barrier, blocking the blood supply to the arteries that connect the fibroids. The tumors eventually shrink and die, leading to the recovery of the uterus.

How Is the Procedure Performed?

Uterine fibroid embolization is a minimally invasive procedure that uses X-ray imaging to guide your doctor into putting a catheter in the uterine walls. When you visit your doctor, the procedure will be done in the operating room. Your doctor may tell you to lie on an operating table, then you are connected with machines that monitor your heartbeat, oxygen level, pulse, and blood pressure. Your specialist may need to administer a sedative to the place the catheter will pass; the area will then be sterilized and covered. X-ray imaging will assist your doctor in moving the catheter to the artery near the groin. Small substances like grains are then released to block the blood vessels and deny fibroids nutrients.

Who Is an Appropriate Candidate for This Procedure?

Some patients might not be eligible for certain medical procedures. It would help if you discussed with your doctor about continuing with the process. Consider yourself a candidate if you fit the following categories:

  • If you are experiencing the symptoms of uterine fibroids.
  • If you want to maintain your uterus but are looking at options for a hysterectomy.
  • If you are not pregnant.
  • If you do not want surgery or you are not eligible for surgery, for example, due to excessive bleeding or obesity.
  • You do not qualify if you have problems such as endometrial cancer, pelvic infection, and huge fibroids.

Uterine fibroid embolization has become a widely expected form of treating fibroids. It has good outcomes and is minimally invasive. People respond to medical procedures differently; consult your doctor about the process and ask them about its consequences. Ask them about other options that might help treat this condition. Your doctor will offer advice based on diagnosis and specific needs. If you need help with fibroids, book an appointment with a specialist at Alate Health for specialized care.

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