Here Are 6 Possible Reasons Your Hair Is Falling Out


Hair loss is one of the most devastating things for most individuals. Shedding small amounts of hair once in a while is okay, but significant amounts could cause anxiety. Luckily, technology now enables doctors to determine the specific cause of hair loss and develop the most suitable treatment option. Some reasons can be temporary and short-lived, while others are complex. Book an appointment online today with a Lakewood Ranch support & consultation specialist for treatment. Here are six possible reasons you are experiencing significant hair thinning:

1. Pregnancy

This factor only applies to women. As a female, it is likely that you will experience hair loss immediately after giving birth. Hair thinning during this period is caused by decreasing levels of estrogen in the body. Luckily, the condition is temporary and will resolve independently after some time.

2. Heredity

It is possible to experience thinning of hair if members of your family have the same problem. Usually, this kind of hair loss occurs gradually with age and is more common in males than females. Hair loss will begin by a receding hairline and proceed to bald spots gradually and in a predicted pattern. Your doctor will examine your condition and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

3. Age

It is also possible to experience hair thinning as your age progresses. This type of hair loss is caused by slow hair growth. Alternatively, hair follicles could stop growing at a certain age triggering the scalp to thin. This type of hair loss is also characterized by loss of hair color and receding hairline for both men and women. Luckily, doctors can help you regrow your hair, especially if the condition is caught early.

4. Hormonal changes

There are a variety of reasons that could trigger hormonal changes to cause hair loss. They include thyroid problems, menopause, and childbirth. Hair loss due to hormonal changes could be temporary or permanent. If you experience hair loss, talk to your doctor to determine whether it is hormone-related. They will advise on the best option depending on whether the condition is permanent or temporary.

5. Medical conditions

Medical conditions are one of the most common causes of hair loss. Medical conditions that cause hair thinning include alopecia areata, an immune system disease, scalp infections, and trichotillomania or hair-pulling disorder. Immune system diseases cause hair loss by attacking hair follicles and other healthy body parts. This may also affect eyelashes and eyebrows. The good news is that hair loss due to medical conditions is treatable with medications.

6. Medications and supplements

You could also experience hair loss because of using specific medications and supplements. Examples of these medications include blood thinners, antidepressants, and cholesterol-lowering drugs. The doctor will recommend alternative medications to stop hair thinning or reduce the dosage.

Experts at Honest Hair Restoration are dedicated to helping patients undergoing hair loss due to reasons discussed, including others. The doctors consider your lifestyle, genetics, health history, and preferred outcome to determine and treat the cause of your hair loss. They will also work with you all through until you have fully recovered. Book an online appointment today for customized treatment.

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