Pelvic Pain


If you experience pelvic pain, it can signify a problem with one of your reproductive organs in the pelvic area. While pelvic pain commonly refers to pain affecting the region surrounding a woman’s internal reproductive organs, it also affects men and can come about due to different causes. Pelvic pain can symptomize an infection or come about due to pain within the pelvis bone or reproductive organs. In women, pelvic pain primarily indicates a problem with the pelvic area’s reproductive organs, such as the uterus, vagina, fallopian tubes, cervix, and ovaries. If you experience pelvic pain, you may need to see a Memorial City pelvic pain specialist for diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of Pelvic Pain

The causes of pelvic pain can vary significantly from one patient to another. Pelvic pain can come about in cases affecting both men and women due to sexually transmitted diseases, pelvis disorders, psychogenic pain, nerve conditions, intestinal disorders, and more.

The primary causes of pelvic pain in women include pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, pelvic inflammatory disease, menstrual cramps, endometriosis, fibroids, cancer of the cervix, uterus, or ovaries, and ovulation.

Symptoms of Pelvic Pain In Women

You can experience many different symptoms due to pelvic pain. However, the most common symptoms include menstrual cramps and menstrual pain. You may also notice vaginal bleeding, spotting, or discharge. In some cases, pelvic pain may make it difficult or painful to urinate. Other symptoms include:

  • Constipation or diarrhea.
  • Fever or chills.
  • Pain during intercourse.
  • Pain affecting the groin and hip area.


To diagnose pelvic pain, a doctor will check your symptoms and medical record. They can also use different physical exams and other tests to determine the course of your pelvic pain. The tests performed vary depending on your examination and your discussions with the doctor. You may have to take a blood and urine test, pregnancy test, pelvic and abdominal x-rays, and diagnostic laparoscopy, which allows the doctor to look at the structures in your abdomen and pelvis directly. You may also need a hysteroscopy to determine if you have any problems with the uterus.


The mode of treatment for pelvic pain may vary depending on the cause and intensity of the pain. The frequency of the pain can also determine the suitable method of treatment. In some cases, your doctor may recommend treatment using medicines such as antibiotics. If the pelvic pain results from a problem affecting one of your pelvic organs, the doctor may recommend surgery or any other procedure that can treat the problem. Physical therapy can also help treat pelvic pain in some instances. Due to the stress that can result from living with chronic pelvic pain, you can benefit from the services of a trained psychologist, psychiatrist, or counselor. Your doctor can conduct a diagnosis and recommend the ideal treatment for your pelvic pain.

In summary, pelvic pain affects both men and women. The causes of pelvic pain vary from one patient to another. A doctor can diagnose your problem depending on your symptoms and medical history. They can also recommend the ideal mode of treatment depending on the results of the diagnosis.

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