How to Prepare, and the Process of Tooth Extraction


Tooth extraction is a typical process for most children and an essential part of childhood that allows the growth of permanent teeth. However, this procedure is not limited to children, as adults may also need tooth extractions in Campbell due to various dental problems such as severe tooth decay. While tooth extraction is usually not the first option for your treatment, it may be effective when a repair is impossible, and a patient experiences intense pain. As a patient, it is advisable to work with a specialist to avoid any complications during and after this minor oral surgery.

Who may benefit from a tooth extraction?

Different patients may benefit from this procedure, including patients undergoing cancer treatment such as chemotherapy or who need organ transplants. Your specialist may also recommend tooth extraction to create room for other teeth in patients with severe teeth misalignment. Other dental problems that may improve with tooth extraction include:

  • Severe toothache
  • Dead or malformed teeth
  • Impacted wisdom teeth
  • Advanced periodontal disease

Tooth extraction may involve the removal of one or several teeth, depending on a patient’s condition.

How do you prepare for tooth extraction?

Preparing for tooth extraction is a crucial step in facilitating a speedy and healthy healing process. Preparation may include a consultation with your specialist, which offers you a chance to ask any questions that you may have concerning the procedure. Knowing all the details regarding the process will make you more comfortable and less anxious. During the consultation, your oral surgeon may need to review your medical history to check for conditions such as liver disease, congenital heart defect, impaired immune system, and diabetes. If you suffer from any of these conditions, your specialist may recommend treatment before you can proceed with the procedure.

Your doctor may require a list of all your current medications to avoid any possible drug interactions. You may need to discontinue the use of drugs such as aspirin and dietary supplements as they are blood thinners and may result in excessive bleeding during the procedure. Since tooth extraction involves the use of anesthesia, it is essential to let your doctor know if you have had any side effects in the past caused by numbing medications. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to clear out an infection as you await tooth extraction.

What happens during tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction may be a surgical process or a simple one depending on whether your tooth is visible or impacted. For a simple extraction, your specialist will administer local anesthesia through an injection to numb the area around your tooth. This prevents you from experiencing intense pain during the process. Using an elevator, your dentist will loosen your tooth and carefully remove it using a pair of forceps. Most patients have reported a feeling of pressure during tooth extraction but not pain.

If your tooth is impacted, your specialist may recommend surgery. As with any surgical procedure, your surgeon may use general anesthesia, which makes you unconscious through the entire process while your surgeon makes small incisions on your gum to remove your tooth.

Generally, tooth extraction is a safe procedure when conducted by a specialist. Schedule a session with your dentist at Ueno Center Dental Specialist to learn more about tooth extraction.

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